Bursa Eskisehir Bilecik Development Agency (BEBKA) was established by the council of ministers decision, numbered 2009/15236 and dated 14 July 2009, on the basis of “Establishment, Coordination and Missions of Development Agencies” law dated 25.01.2006 and numbered 5449.
Development Agencies, which are affiliated to the Ministry of Development, are subordinated to the Ministry of Industry and Technology.

BEBKA is an institution that directs development in the provinces of Bursa, Eskişehir and Bilecik by enhancing coordination and cooperation among public sector, private sector and non-governmental organizations; offering local-oriented solutions for local problems and promoting sustainable development by means of proper and effective use of sources.
Organizational structure of our Development Agency consists of Development Committee, Administrative Board and General Secretary. Development Committee acts as the advisory body, administrative board is the decision-making body and Secretariat General represents the executive body of the agency.


Bölgesinde sürdürülebilir kalkınmaya öncülük ederek ulusal kalkınma vizyonuna katkı sağlayan, bölgesel kalkınmada ulusal ve uluslararası alanda tanınan, saygın ve etkin bir kurum olmak.



Bölgesinde sürdürülebilir kalkınmayı hızlandırmak ve bölge içi gelişmişlik farklarını azaltmak amacıyla, yerel düzeyde işbirlikleri geliştirip koordinasyon sağlayarak bölgesel kalkınmayı planlamak, yönlendirmek ve desteklemek.