The 2024-2028 Bursa Eskişehir Bilecik Regional Plan, which was prepared in line with the Presidential Circular No. 2022/7, has been prepared through a participatory process under the coordination of BEBKA, with an innovative and strategic approach and meticulous work. The purpose of the regional plan, which focuses on the vision, strategic priorities, objectives and measure/programme/project proposals determined for the region, is to guide regional development by coordinating activities that serve regional development.

The Regional Plan Preparation Process was officially started with the Regional Plan Preparation Guide prepared by the General Directorate of Development Agencies and the list of current situation analyses in its annex was sent to the Development Agencies. Based on the Guideline, a current situation analysis report was prepared in the light of the information compiled from open sources and the data obtained from the relevant institutions through official letters in order to reveal the current situation of the region. In order to maximize participation, provincial workshops were held in Eskişehir on 27 September 2022, Bilecik on 4 October 2022 and Bursa on 6 October 2022.

In the workshops where public, private sector, civil society and university representatives were invited, summary presentations of the current situation analyses were shared with the participants and the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of the provinces were discussed in six thematic tables. In the continuation of the workshops, word suggestions that will contribute to the vision of the region were compiled and target, performance indicator and measure/programme/project suggestions were received from the participants according to the theme of the table they were at

Following the reporting of the data obtained in the workshops, a vision statement was determined, summary and synthesis evaluations of the current situation analyses were prepared, strategic priorities were clarified, targets were set for the total development of the region and measures, programmes and project proposals were developed to serve the realisation of each target. The developed proposals were discussed with district governors, mayors, heads of chambers of agriculture, heads of organised industrial zones and institution managers in 39 districts in the region, and their suggestions and opinions were compiled. Project/programme tags were prepared and a spatial development scheme was created by taking into account the identified programme and project proposals.

With the prepared Regional Plan; within the framework of global developments, trends and participation-based studies, strategic priorities and targets in line with national top-scale plans have been put forward for the next 5 years.

In this context, the vision of TR41 Region for 2028 is: ‘TR41 Region, which produces added value in urban and rural areas with its qualified labour force and sectoral diversity, has a developed transportation infrastructure, is resistant to disasters and crises, is livable, green and is a proactive innovation and entrepreneurship centre in digital transformation’.


The three strategic priorities that will ensure the achievement of the determined vision are as follows

  • Ensuring Proactive Green and Digital Transformation & Strengthening Entrepreneurship Ecosystem
  • Improving Infrastructure and Transport Connections & Ensuring Balanced Spatial Development and Economic Growth
  • Ensuring Human Development and Inclusive Access to Social Services




Click here to download the draft 2024-2028 Regional Plan